“Art is Brain Magic”
Peek into an early childhood classroom at any given moment and you’re likely to find music and movement. You’ll probably see educators singing classic children’s songs and nursery rhymes like BINGO or The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
We all do it, but do you know why we do this?
Spark curiosity!
Slow down, observe, ask open-ended questions… but do not rush to search for the answer. The simple act of allowing the question to mellow, to ripen in one’s mind may in fact expand upon the curiosity and understanding gained later by engaging to find answers. In essence “sleep on it.”
There is power in delayed gratification, in anticipation… that power develops the motivation to learn.
Curiosity and creativity go hand in hand, each propelling the other forward, further developing one’s intelligence and skills. When faced with a moment of curiosity, if the answer is not immediately provided for children, they will explore the idea or object through curiosity and creativity.
Open-ended toys and art supplies, materials without set directions are a fantastically fun way to further develop both as well as skills in the arts and sciences.
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